I was born June 12th, 1994 in Renton, Washington, United States. I began playing sports at the young age of 5 and it was essentially the beginning of what has become an epic journey.

I was always a very athletic kid growing up and soon realized that being physically strong and in great shape helped give an even greater advantage over the competition. This desire and overwhelming passion inspired me to begin lifting weights at the age of 11.

Going into my senior year of high school I was talking to multiple schools about potential football scholarships, was ranked as one of the best wrestlers in the country, and had set multiple records in track. Pretty much I planned on having my college education paid for through sports. But sometimes life doesn’t happen the way you expect. My first football game of my senior year I tore my ACL and shattered my dreams. It was a pretty depressing time in my life. Not only was my dream of playing sports in college shattered but all of my scholarship offers were gone, leaving me with no way to pay for college. I tore my ACL a 2nd time a couple months later and definitely thought my life was over.

A few days before my 1st surgery, I was on the website and I stumbled across the newest IFBB bodybuilding category, Men’s Physique. I had been training consistently for 6 years at that time so wanted to use what I had devoted my life to building and see if I could make a career out of what I loved. One month later I competed and won the overall title at my first show. Exactly a year after my first competition I went on to win Nationals, which made me the youngest IFBB Professional in history! Two months after becoming an IFBB Pro I won my first Pro show that qualified me to step on stage at the first ever Mr. Olympia Men’s Physique Showdown.


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